
  • 3 Conflicts That Hotel Managers Will Need to Resolve Properly

    To be an effective hotel manager, you need to possess a lengthy list of attributes that you can use to help make the hotel run smoothly. Things such as patience, good listening skills, and a problem-solving mentality will all come in handy when things are going well, but when you encounter conflicts of any type, these skills will be even more important. Being able to successfully navigate conflicts can help to keep temporarily agitated hotel guests calm and, ideally, loyal to your brand because of the exemplary way that you deal with things.
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  • Three Tips for Making Your Next Hotel Accommodations

    When you travel, the hotel where you stay can be a major factor in determining whether or not your experience on the road was enjoyable. While it may seem as though booking a hotel reservation will be a simple task, there are several important considerations that should always factor into your decision as to whether or not to use a particular hotel. Here are three tips to make your travel more enjoyable.
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  • 3 Reasons To Have Your Dog Cared For By A Groomer

    Professional grooming services are an ideal option for any dog owner. There are three reasons to have your dog cared for by a groomer. A Groomer Has Access To Everything That Your Dog Needs A huge reason to make sure that you take your dog to a professional groomer is that the groomer has access to everything that your dog could possibly need during the grooming process. For example, if the dog is being extremely anxious or aggressive during the grooming process, the groomer will have access to sedative that can calm the dog down long enough to complete the grooming process.
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  • Need To Book A Hotel For A Business Trip? Find One With Easy Food And Drink Options

    An essential part of working is making sure you eat enough food to stay healthy and clearheaded. When you are in your standard routine of working at home or at your workplace, you should not have any problems with getting all the food and drinks that you need. But, this is not always the case when you are going on a business trip that requires you to take a flight to the destination.
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  • Visiting A National Park? 4 Money-Saving Tips For The Whole Family

    As long distance travel costs mount, many families are opting to visit some of the amazing locations closer to home. America's national parks are among the most popular destinations in the country, with nearly 331 million visitors during 2016.  If you want to add a national park to your family holiday, here are 4 ways to save money and have fun. Stay Outside the Park. National park lodging options can be hard to book and often cost a lot of money for full families.
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  • Tips For Effectively Using Your Hotel Key Card

    If you're staying at a hotel for the first time as an adult, there are several things that your parents will have looked after in the past — but that you'll now need to handle on your own. One thing that you'll be learning about on the fly is how to use the hotel key card. It's the card that provides you with access to your room, and you'll need to either swipe it through an access point on the outside of your guest room door or tap it against a panel.
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  • Reignite The Marital Flame With A Getaway

    After so many years of being married to the same person and going through the same daily routine, things can become a little stale. If you don't do something to put some spice back into your marriage, you could be headed down a rocky road that is hard to climb back out of. If you feel the flame flicker, it's time to take action before it's too late. One thing that can help is getting out of the daily routine with your lover and taking at least a short vacation.
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  • Here's How To Choose A Great Hotel For Your Next Travel Adventure

    Whether you're planning a weekend away as a couple or a longer week-long vacation as a family, you will need to make many important decisions so you have a great trip. Choosing a hotel is one of the decisions you will need to make. If you're worried about picking a great hotel, don't stress out! There are so many great hotels to pick from. Keep reading to better learn how to choose a great hotel for your next trip.
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  • Are You Spending Christmas In El Salvador?

    Have you decided to abandon tradition this Christmas by spending the holidays away from home? Perhaps you are newlyweds, or maybe you're empty nesters and your grown children aren't coming home for Christmas. For whatever reason you've chosen to spend Christmas in El Salvador instead of spending it at home, here are some ideas that might help you to plan an incredible adventure in one of the most beautiful places on earth.
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  • The Pros And Cons Of Renting A Furnished Apartment

    There are a number of reasons why you may be considering renting a furnished apartment. You may be living in a city temporarily for work and don't want to move all of your furniture to the city for a temporary job. You may be on a trial separation from your spouse and want space, but aren't sure about investing in furniture. Or you may be moving out of your parent's house for the first time and may not have furniture and are not financially positioned to buy furniture.
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